Well, I had a feeling that I would jinx myself by writing about how good life is...yesterday I got some very hurtful news from a best friend (not you Shauna)- that threw me off and my head was in an upset fog for my bike ride back to Megans chateau. I went to buy some bread and on my way from to bakery to her house I dropped my wallet. The money is not a big deal, it's that I bought the wallet in Amsterdam, had my AZ license in it, and my Visa card. Just a big inconvince. As a result of my absentmindedness/deshelved state of mind I am now learning of the inner workings of the justice system in Mali. I went to the police station to report the lost wallet...after waking up at 5am (as soon as the sun rose, but only got 1hr of sleep because I was up all night thinking) to search the scene of my possible self-imposed crime. No wallet found. Anyway, it took about 45min. to get an official paper with a real fancy stamp on it saying that my wallet was reported missing. I am now off to the local radio station to make an announcement: The white girl lost her wallet. Please return it. This radio announcement will be aired throughout the Segou region, I don't want to think of how many people will be listening to the plea for my wallet. I am hoping it will be someone that knows about the whereabouts of my wallet. Things could be worse. A wallet is replaceable.
I am going to try to be positive about this-as a result: Megan and I sat outside with her neighbors last night and drank our 3 cups of tea. We chatted, I learned about Malian/West African Music, gave some English lessons, and learned about Togo (one of the guys is from there). Alfa Blonde-check them out; good reggie group from Cote D'Ivoire. I stayed long enough to chat with Brian, my dad, and get an email from my new Spaniard friend!
Anyway, my stay here in Segou is now being extended until tomorrow. I now go get to drink Lebanese coffee and attempt to do belly dancing lessons again (we ate too much last time, so we just couldn't do it). Megan will visit me in Kamona for the weekend so she can experience 'the real Peace Corps' for 2 days. I am excited for a visitor! I'll be back in Segou for the elections. I get to work on my organic garden for the next 10 days!
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