Saturday, September 27, 2008

Kamona My New Homa

I have a house!  Technically I am now moved into my first house.  I am still arranging things, but I have a gas stove, a full sized bed, my wonderful Nicaraguan hammock, and food!  
I lasted 10 days in my new community and am happy to announce that I LOVE where I will be living.  The community seems fairly active and there are a lot of projects I can possibly work on.  I have already started thinking of what I want to plant in my garden plot (the women here have a huge fenced in garden space...I get prime location next to the well).  This next week I will try and yaala yaala around the community more, to chat with people and let them get to know me a little.  There is also work in the fields to do.  Corn is just coming out, and soon the cotton fields will be needing tended to.  Pretty fun.  
Last sunday I went to my first Malian Christian church service.  It was great!  I didn't understand a word anyone was saying, but somehow I managed to figure out that the new people in attendance had to stand up and say there names-of course everyone stared at the Toubab (me).  The coolest part of that experience was the music.  They played the drums and were singing, clapping, and swaying so happily!  Like, the real african drums that you would think would be here in Africa!  My church has them!  
To stay on the topic of religion, Ramadan is over this tuesday.  There will be a big party tues. night.  I am all over it!  Not a typical party I am used to.  I am sure there will be dancing, def. no alcohol involved though.  Men and women kept separate...but I usually am the exception.  More cultural experiences!  Pretty cool.
Lastly, these past few weeks have been really up and down.  Things back in the US are fine now, grandma is out of the hospital and happily walking again.  On my bus ride into the city yesterday I had my realization that yes, I am living in Africa.  I am living in AFRICA!!!!  I can do this!  It's pretty intense.  I have an amazing opportunity, great people to work with, and some real potential to positively help some people and their families.  
Oh, one side note- for those of you who know me well....I am eating EGGS!  I decided it's time that I just like them.  There are many benefits to eating them.  So, I've been making scrambled eggs with fresh onions, peppers, and tomatoes!  So good!  I think the fresh veggies makes them though! 
Pictures that are posted, you'll have to guess which is which because it is a miracle I can even post them: A big, beautiful Baobob tree.  We have many of them throughout the Segou region.  There is also a picture of me on my hammock at my new pad.  There is also a picture of me in front of our broken down Bashee.  I was on my way to my friends village and the 'mobili' broke down.  After about 10 min, and a push start we were on our way again.  Oh yeah, and about 20 people were crammed into that thing!  There is also a picture of me with Shea nuts.  They were some beautiful nuts!

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